Do you want to upgrade to it=Ar norite atnaujinti?
Ready to update=Paruo≡ta atnaujinimui.
Local Folder=Vietinis katalogas
Software Update=Programos atnaujinimas
Downloading %s=SiunΦiama %s
Update Description=Atnaujinimas
Update Comment=Atnaujinimo komentaras
Update Type=Atnaujinimo tipas
Product Description=Produkto apib√dinimas
Product Copyright=Autorinδs teisδs
Product Comment=Produkto komentarai
Preview version - Only for testing purposes=Bandomoji versija - tik bandymo tikslams.
Beta release=Beta versija
Final release=Galutinδ versija
// report wizard
Report wizard=Raporto vedliu
Remote Report wizard=Nuotolinio raporto vedlys
Quick Report=Greituoju b√du
Remote Report=Nuotolinis raportas
Command-line=Komandine eilute
Welcome to the Report wizard=Sveiki atvykµ ß raporto vedlß!
This wizard will help you to create a report of your computer.=╨is vedlys padδs Jums pasidaryti raportα apie J√s° kompiuterß.
After completing this wizard you can print the report, save it to file or send it in e-mail.=╨io vedlio pabaigoje, sukurtα raportα galδsite atsispausdinti, i≡saugoti faile ar si°sti el. pa≡tu.
Please try to minimize the information you choose to include in the report, to avoid generating huge reports.=Kad negai≡tumδte laiko generuodami mil■ini≡kus raportus, pasirinkite, kad ß raportα b√t° ßtraukta tik b√tiniausia informacija.
You can help the development by sending report files of various computers to the author:=Jei norite prisidδti prie programos tobulinimo, atsi°skite ßvari° kompiuteri° raportus programos k√rδjams:
To make sure you don't include personal or confidential information in the reports sent to the author, you should choose the profile called "Hardware-related pages".=Kad netyΦia k√rδjams nenusi°stumδte konfidencialos informacijos, naudokite tik "Aparat√rinδ ßranga (hardware)" raporto tipα.
Report Profiles=Raporto tipai
Please choose a desired report layout profile:=Pasirinkite norimα raporto tipα:
***Measure CPU performance using the classic queen problem solution on a 10x10 chessboard=CPU teljesitmeny merese a klasszikus "kiralyno problema" segitsegevel, 10x10-es sakktablan
***Measure CPU performance using several 2D image processing algorithms=CPU teljesitmeny merese tobbfele 2D kepfeldolgozo algoritmussal
***Measure CPU performance using ZLib file compression=CPU teljesitmeny merese ZLib fajltomoritessel
***Measure CPU performance using AES data encryption=CPU teljesitmeny merese AES adattitkositassal
***Measure single precision floating point performance using Julia fractal=Egyszeres pontossagu lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese a Julia fraktal segitsegevel
***Measure double precision floating point performance using Mandelbrot fractal=Ketszeres pontossagu lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese a Mandelbrot fraktal segitsegevel
***Measure extended precision floating point performance using a custom Julia fractal=Kiterjesztett pontossagu lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese egy egyedi Julia fraktal segitsegevel
***Measure floating point performance using complex 2D image processing algorithms=Lebegopontos teljesitmeny merese komplex 2D kepfeldolgozo algoritmusok segitsegevel
Network audit statistics=Tinklo audito statistika
Network audit list (by computer)=Tinklo audito sαra≡as (Pagal kompiuterß)
Network audit list (by component)=Tinklo audito sαra≡as (pagal komponentus)
// tips
Problems & Suggestions=Problemos ir pasi√lymai
Suggestion=Pasi√lymas! :
Problem=Problema! :
Fault=Klaida! :
This may cause performance penalty.=Tai gali pakenkti stabiliam sistemos darbui.
Disk free space is only %d%% on drive %s.=Kietαjame diske %s yra tik %d%% laisvos vietos.
No CPU L2 cache found.=Nerasta CPU L2 atsargos atminties (cache).
Pentium FDIV bug detected! Please contact Intel Corporation for assistance.=Rasta Pentium FDIV klaida! Kreipkitδs pagalbos ß Intel korporacijα arba jos atstovus.
Most 3D games run better with at least 256 KB L2 cache.=Dauguma 3D ■aidim° reikalauja 256 KB L2 atsargos atminties (Cache).
Modern 3D games may require at least 1 GHz CPU.=╨i° dien° 3D ■aidimai gali reikalauti ne ma■esnδs nei 1 GHz spartos procesoriaus (CPU).
For optimum performance, Windows 9x requires at least 100 MHz CPU.=Optimaliam darbui, operacinδ sistema Windows 9x reikalauja ne ma■esnδs nei 100 MHz spartos procesoriaus (CPU).
For optimum performance, Windows 2000+ requires at least 300 MHz CPU.=Optimaliam darbui, operacinδ sistema Windows 2000+ reikalauja ne ma■esnδs nei 300 MHz spartos procesoriaus (CPU).
MMX is not supported.=Nepalaikoma MMX technologija.
SSE is not supported. Upgrade your CPU to speed up applications optimized for SSE.=Nepalaikoma SSE. Rekomenduojame pakeisti procesori° siekiant pagreitinti SSE palaikanΦi° program° darbα.
Less than 3 memory slots detected. Expanding system memory may become difficult.=Rasta ma■iau nei 3 operatyviosios atminties (RAM) lizdai. Tai gali apsunkinti operatyviosios atminties praplδtimα.
You have less than 32 MB system memory installed.=Sistemoje ßdiegta ma■iau nei 32 MB operatyviosios atminties (RAM).
Modern operating systems require at least 128 MB system memory for optimum performance.=╨Iuolaikinδs operacinδs sistemos optimaliai darbui reikalauja minimaliai 128 MB operatyviosios atminties (RAM).
3D games may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Kaikuri° 3D ■aidim° optimaliam veikimui gali reikδti minimalios 256 MB dyd■io operatyviosios atminties (RAM).
Server functions may require at least 256 MB system memory for optimum performance.=Siekiant u■tikrinti optimal° Serverinio kompiuterio darbα rekomenduojama ßdiegti ne ma■iau 256 MB operatyviosios atminties (RAM).
Install more system memory to improve applications performance.=Norint paspartinti program° darbα reikδt° praplδsti operatyviαjα atmintß (RAM).
Motherboard chipset cannot cache the whole system memory.=Pagrindinδs plok≡tδs mikroshem° rinkinys (chipset) negali i≡naudoti visos operatyviosios atminties (RAM).
Motherboard chipset cannot handle more memory.=Pagrindinδs plok≡tδs mikroschem° rinkinys (chipset) negali valdyti daugiau atminties.
External cache is asynchronous.=I≡orinδ atsargos atmintis (cache) asinchroni≡ka.
External cache is disabled.=Atjungta i≡orinδ atsargos atmintis (cache).
Slow memory (FPM / EDO / BEDO) detected. Upgrade to SDRAM or RDRAM if possible.=Aptikta lδto tipo operatyvioji atmintis (RAM) (FPM / EDO / BEDO). Jei tik ßmanoma, rekomenduojame jα pakeisti ß SDRAM arba RDRAM.
Modern 3D games require fast memory (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).=╨iuolaikiniai 3D ■aidimai reikalauja sparΦiosios operatyviosios atminties (RAM) (DDR SDRAM / RDRAM).
AGP is disabled.=Deaktyvuota AGP.
AGP aperture size is more than half of the system memory size.=AGP apert√ros dydis yra didesnis arba lygus pusei operatyviosios atminties (RAM) dyd■io.
Current AGP speed is lower than maximum supported.=Nustatyta AGP sparta yra ma■esnδ nei maksimaliai palaikoma.
System BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Sistemos BIOS'as yra daugiau nei 2 met° senumo. Rekomenduojama jß atnaujinti.
Video BIOS is more than 2 years old. Update it if necessary.=Sistemos Video BIOS'as yra daugiau nei 2 met° senumo. Rekomenduojama jß atnaujinti.
Only 1 CPU installed, you should change to uniprocessor HAL.=Aptiktas tik 1 CPU, turδtumδte nustatyti uniprocesorinß HAL.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 2000+. Consider upgrading to it.=J√s° sistema paruo≡ta darbui su Windows 2000/XP operacine sistema. Pagalvokite apie OS atnaujinimα.
Your system seems to be ready to run Windows 98/Me. Consider upgrading to it.=J√s° sistema paruo≡ta darbui su Windows 98/ME operacine sistema. Pagalvokite apie OS atnaujinimα.
Service Pack is outdated. Service Pack 5+ is recommended under Windows NT.=Atnaujinim° paketas (Service Pack) nδra naujausias. Naudojant Windows NT operacinµ sistemα rekomenduojama ßdiegti ne senesnß nei Service Pack 5.
Windows is now running for more than 10 days. Restart may improve performance.=Windows operacinδ sistema be pertraukos dirba jau daugiau nei 10 dien°. Operacinδs sistemos perkrovimas galδt° pagerinti sistemos darbα.
Internet Explorer is outdated. Version 5.0 or later is recommended.=Naudojamos programos Internet Explorer versija pasenusi. ╨iuo metu jau galite naudoti 6 ≡ios programos versijα.
DirectX not found. Modern applications and games require it.=Nerastas DirectX. Jis reikalingas ≡iuolaikiniams ■aidimamas ir programoms.
DirectX is outdated. Modern games may require DirectX 7+.=Pasenusi DirectX versija. ╨iuolaikiniams ■aidimamas gali reikδti DirectX 7 ar naujesnδs versijos.
Less than 4 MB video memory found. Upgrade your video card for better performance.=Aptiktos video plok≡tδs atmintis ma■esnδ nei 4 MB. Rekomenduojame atnaujinti vaizdo plok≡tµ siekiant pagerinti sistemos darbα.
Modern 3D games may require at least 32 MB video memory.=╨iuolaikiniams 3D ■aidimams gali reikδti daugiau nei 32 MB video atminties.
Increase resolution for better visual quality.=Siekiant pagerinti vaizdo kokybµ rekomenduojame padidinti skiriamαjα gebα.
Increase color depth for better visual quality.=Siekiant pagerinti vaizdo kokybµ rekomenduojame padidinti spalv° gamα.
Some applications may run better in 32-bit color mode.=Kaikurios programos geriau veikt° prie 32 bit° spalvingumo gylio.
Using large fonts may cause visual problems in applications not prepared for it.=Dideli° ≡rift° naudojimas gali pakenkti program°, nepritaikyt° darbui su ≡ia funkcija, darbui.
***At least 85 Hz vertical refresh rate is recommended for classic (CRT) displays.=Hagyomanyos (CRT) megjelenito hasznalata eseten legalabb 85 Hz-es fuggoleges frissites javasolt.
Enable IP header compression to increase network speed.=Siekiant padidinti duomen° perdavimo spartα rekomenduojama ßjungti funkcijα "IP header compression".
Enable software compression to increase network speed.=Siekiant padidinti tinklo duomen° perdavimo spartα rekomenduojama ßjungti funkcijα "Software compression".
32-bit Rendering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nepalaikomas 32 bit° vaizdavimas. ╨iuolaikiniai 3D ■aidimai be ≡ios funkcijos gali neveikti.
Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games require it.=Nepalaikomas Z-Buffer. ╨iuolaikiniai 3D ■aidimai gali neveikti be ≡ios funkcijos.
32-bit Z-Buffer is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nepalaikomas 32 bit° Z-Buffer'is. ╨iuolaikiniai 3D ■aidimai gali neveikti be ≡ios funkcijos.
Anisotropic Filtering is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nepalaikomas Anisotropinis filtravimas. ╨iuolaikiniai 3D ■aidimai gali neveikti be ≡ios funkcijos.
Stencil Buffers is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nepalaikomas ≡ablon° buffer'is. ╨iuolaikiniai 3D ■aidimai gali neveikti be ≡ios funkcijos.
Hardware Transform & Lighting is not supported. Modern 3D games may require it.=Nepalaikoma Hardware Transform & Lighting. ╨iuolaikiniai 3D ■aidimai gali neveikti be ≡ios funkcijos.
// preferences
Long Pages=Ilgi puslapiai
Security Grade=Informacijos tipas
New Item=Naujas
Modify Item=Koreguoti
Report Look=Raporto i≡vaizda
E-mail=El. pa≡tas
Database=Duomen° bazδ
Content Filtering=Turinio filtravimas
Remote Features=Nuotolinio valdymo galimybδs
Custom Components=Personalizuoti komponentai
Asset Profile=Apra≡° profilis
Custom Programs=Kitos programos
File Scanner=Fail° skeneris
***File Scanner Filter=Fajlkereso szuro
***Display AIDA64 in the &Control Panel=Az AIDA64 megjelenitese a &Vezerlopultban
***Load AIDA64 at &Windows startup=Az AIDA64 inditasa a &Windows betoltodesekor
***Display AIDA64 splash &screen at startup=AIDA64 indito&kepernyo megjelenitese indulaskor
***"Minimize" &button minimizes main window to System Tray=A "Kis meret" gomb az E&rtesitesi teruletre csukja le az AIDA64 ablakat
***"Close" b&utton minimizes main window to System Tray=A "Bezaras" gomb a&z Ertesitesi teruletre csukja le az AIDA64 ablakat
Computer primary role:=Kompiuterio paskirtis:
***General Use=Altalanos hasznalat
3D Gaming=3D ■aidybinis
***When AIDA64 starts:=Az AIDA64 indulasakor:
***&Display main window=A foablak &megjelenitese
***&Hide main window (minimize to Taskbar)=A foablak &Talcara csukasa
***H&ide main window (minimize to System Tray)=A foablak lecsukasa az E&rtesitesi teruletre
Low-level MSR operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Low-level MSR operacijos (retais atvejais sistema gali pakibti)
Low-level PCI bus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Low-level PCI duomen° magistralδs operacijos (retais atvejais sistema gali pakibti)
Low-level SMBus operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Low-level SMBus operacijos (retais atvejais sistema gali pakibti)
Low-level sensor operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Low-level Sensor operacijos (retais atvejais sistema gali pakibti)
***Fan divisor reconfiguration (might conflict with MSI Core Cell and PC Alert)=Ventilator ujrakonfiguralas (problemat okozhat az MSI Core Cell es PC Alert-ben)
Low-level SMART operations (may cause system lockup in rare cases)=Alacsonyszintu SMART operacijos (retais atvejais sistema gali pakibti)
***RAID SMART support=RAID SMART tamogatas
***Measure CPU temperature using ACPI (may conflict with screen savers)=CPU homerseklet merese ACPI segitsegevel (kepernyovedok mukodeset akadalyozhatja)
Last Boot Time=Paskutinio sistemos pasikrovimo laikas
Current Time=Dabar yra
UpTime Statistics=Sesijos trukmδs statistika
First Boot Time=Pirmo sistemos pasikrovimo laikas
First Shutdown Time=Pirmo i≡jungimo laikas
Total UpTime=Bendra darbo trukmδ
Total DownTime=Bendra nedarbo trukmδ
Longest UpTime=Ilgiausia darbo sesija
Longest DownTime=Ilgiausia nedarbo trukmδ
Total Reboots=Viso perkrovim°
System Availability=Sistemos prieinamumas
Bluescreen Statistics=Mδlyn° lang° statistika
First Bluescreen Time=Pirmasis Mδlynojo lango pasirodymas
Last Bluescreen Time=Paskutinis mδlyno lango pasirodymas
Total Bluescreens=Viso Mδlyn° lang° parodyta
// messages
Please wait until the benchmark is finished running=Palaukite kol atminties testavimas bus baigtas
During this time your computer may seem to not be responding=╨iuo metu gali atrodyti, kad kompiuteris pakibo
Please do not move the mouse or press any keys=Nejudinkite pelδs ir nespauskite pelδs ar klaviat√ros klavi≡°.
***Please note that results obtained with different versions of AIDA64 cannot be compared=Vegye figyelembe, hogy az AIDA64 kulonbozo verzioi altal mert eredmenyek nem hasonlithatoak ossze egymassal
***FinalWire constantly improves and optimizes benchmark routines and implements new technologies to provide you with the most accurate and highest benchmark scores.=A FinalWire folyamatosan fejleszti es optimalizalja a sebessegmero rutinokat, hogy az AIDA64 a leheto legmagasabb es legpontosabb benchmark eredmenyeket szolgaltassa.
Are you sure you want to uninstall=Ar tikrai norite pa≡alinti.
***Press Refresh button to start the benchmark=A sebessegmeres inditasahoz nyomja meg a Frissites gombot!
Database parameters are not configured yet=Nenustatyti duomen° bazδs parametrai
Go to: File menu / Preferences / Database=Eikite ß Failas / Nustatymai / Duomen° bazδ
Are you sure you want to remove all computers from audit?=Ar tikrai norite i≡trinti i≡ audito visus kompiuterius?
CPU Speed=CPU sparta
CPU Multiplier=CPU daugiklis
Min / Max CPU Multiplier=Ma■. / Did. CPU daugiklis
CPU Cache=CPU atsargos atmintis
SPD Memory Modules=SPD atminties moduliai
Memory Bus=Atminties magistralδ
Memory Clock=Atminties sparta
***DRAM:FSB Ratio=DRAM:FSB arany
Connecting to FTP server=Jungiamasi pire FTP serverio
Clear List=I≡valyti sαra≡α
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer cookie list?=Ar tikrai norite i≡trinti Internet Explorer slapukus?
Are you sure you want to clear Internet Explorer browser history?=Ar tikrai norite i≡trinti Internet Explorer istorijα?
Memory Timings=Atminties sinchronizavimas
North Bridge Properties=╨iaurinδs magistralδs savybδs
North Bridge=╨iaurinδ magistralδ
South Bridge Properties=Pietinδs magistralδs savybδs
South Bridge=Pietinδ magistralδ
FinalWire does not provide official support for this freeware product=Deja FinalWire neteikia palaikymo nemokamai ≡ios programos versijai!
AMD Brand ID=AMD procesori° ID
64-bit x86 Extension=64 bit° x86 i≡plδtimai
***Hardware Random Number Generator=Hardveres veletlenszam generator
PCI-X Bus Properties=PCI-X duomen° magistralδs savybδs
PCI-X Device Properties=PCI-X ßrenginio savybδs
Current Bus Mode=Naudojamas duomen° magistralδs re■imas
64-bit Device=64 bit° ßrenginys
PCI-X 266 Bus=PCI-X 266 duomen° magistralδ
PCI-X 533 Bus=PCI-X 533 duomen° magistralδ
%d MHz Operation=%d MHz operacija
HyperTransport Version=HyperTransport versija
Link Type=Ry≡io tipas
Link Status=Ry≡io b√klδ
Max Link Width In / Out=Masimalus ry≡io atstumas Vid. / I≡.
Utilized Link Width In / Out=Naudojamas atstumas Vid. / I≡.
***Min Link Frequency=Min kapcsolat frekvencia
Max Link Frequency=Maksimalus ry≡io da■nis
Current Link Frequency=Naudojamas ry≡io da■nis
Primary / Secondary Bus Number=Pirminδs / Antrinδs duomen° magistralδs ilgis
***QPI Clock=QPI orajel
***QPI Version=QPI verzio
You specified a command-line option that is unavailable in the NR (No Remote) edition of %s you are currently running=Nurodyta komanda netinka ≡iai %s NR (No Remote) versijai.
To use one or more of the following command-line options, please use the non-NR edition of %s=Norδdami taikyti ≡ias komandas naudokite ne-NR %s versija.
File Properties=Failo savybδs
File properties logged by the File Scanner:=Failo savybδs nustatytos Failo Skenerio:
Active Mode=Aktyvus re■imas
AIDA64 Home Edition is intended to be used only in home environment.=AIDA64 Home Edition skirtas naudojimui tik fiziniams asmenims namuose ne komerciniais tikslais.
This computer is a member of a network domain (%s), which is not supported by AIDA64 Home Edition.=Kompiuteris priklauso domenui(%s), AIDA64 Home Edition nepritaikytas darbui su domenu.
Please use AIDA64 Corporate Edition instead of Home Edition in a corporate environment.=Komercinδse organizacijose darbui su domenu vietoj AIDA64 Home Edition naudokite Corporate Edition programos versijα.
This page is outdated! Press 'Refresh' button to update it=╨io puslapio informacija pasenusi! Norδdami atnaujinti informacijα spauskite mygtukα 'Atnaujinti'!
// alerting
AIDA64 Alert=AIDA64'o ßspδjimas
Alert Methods=┴spδjimo b√das
Alert Trigger=┴spδjimo i≡≡aukδjas
Alert Triggers=┴spδjimo i≡≡aukδjai
***Alert Item=Riasztasi elem
Alert Description=┴spδjimo apib√dinimas
***&Enable alerting=Riasztas &engedelyezese
***&Play sound:=&Hang lejatszasa:
***Select sound file=Hangfajl kivalasztasa
***&Run program:=&Program futtatasa:
***Select program=Program kivalasztasa
&Number of minutes between checking for alerts:=&Laikotarpis tarp ßspδim° (min.):
N&umber of hours between sending repetitive alerts:=&Laikotarpis tarp pasikartojanΦi° ßspδjim° prane≡imo (val.):
***Store system configuration details in:=Rendszer-konfiguracios adatok tarolasi helye:
***TEMP folder of the logged-on user=Az aktualis felhasznalo TEMP mappaja
***Root folder of the system drive=A rendszermeghajto fokonyvtara
Display an alert &window=Rodyti ßspδjimo &langα
***&Shut down the computer=&Szamitogep leallitasa
Send an &e-mail to:=&Si°st El. lai≡kα adresu:
Send an entry to a log &server:=Si°stß ßra≡α ß &serverß:
Send a Windows &message to:=Si°s&ti Windows ■inutµ:
Write to a &TXT log file:=┴ra≡yti ß &TXT failα:
Write to a &HTML log file:=┴ra≡yti ß &HTML failα:
Note: Don't forget to configure e-mail sending options on the E-mail page!=Dδmesio: Nepamir≡kite nurodyti≡to nustatym° skyrelyje "El. pa≡tas"!
Select Log File=Nurodykite ■urnalo failα
Trigger Description=I≡≡aukδjo apib√dinimas
***Alert when:=Riasztas, amikor:
***Value is &below:=Az ertek &kisebb, mint:
***Value is &above:=Az ertek &nagyobb, mint:
When virus database is older than=Kai virus° duombazδs yra senesnδ nei
When system drive free space is below=Kai sisteminiame diske laisvos vietos lieka ma■iau nei
***When any local drive free space is below=Ha barmelyik helyi meghajton a szabad hely kevesebb, mint
Software installation/uninstallation=┴diegiant/pa≡alinant programas
Service installation/uninstallation=┴diegiant/pa≡alinant servisus
"Auto Start" list change=Pasikeitus "Automatinio paleidimo" sαra≡ui
Ign&ore all inputs (view only)=&Ignoruoti ßvesties ßrenginius (tik stebδti)
No dithering=Nenaudoti drebδjimo
8-bit (256 colors)=8 bitai (256 spalvos)
16-bit (HiColor)=16 bita° (HiColor)
24-bit (TrueColor)=24 bitai (TrueColor)
32-bit (TrueColor)=32 bitai (TrueColor)
Leave unchanged=Nekeisti
Disable during connection=Susijungimo metu neleisti
Remove during connection=Susijungimo metu pa≡lainti
***Use dithering to save network bandwidth=Szinmelyseg csokkentessel a halozati savszelesseg hasznalat csokkentheto
***Disable UI effects to improve remote control performance and responsiveness=Felhasznaloi felulet hatasok letiltasaval javithato a tavvezerles sebessege es reakcioideje
***Remove desktop wallpaper to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Az asztal tapeta eltavolitasaval javithat a tavvezerles teljesitmenyen, es a halozati savszelessegen is sporolhat
***Use a lower desktop resolution to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Alacsonyabb asztal felbontas hasznalataval javithat a tavvezerles teljesitmenyen, es a halozati savszelessegen is sporolhat
***Use a lower desktop color depth to improve remote control performance and save network bandwith=Alacsonyabb asztal szinmelyseg hasznalataval javithat a tavvezerles teljesitmenyen, es a halozati savszelessegen is sporolhat
// Benchmark results save & compare
***%d results=%d eredmeny
***Benchmark Result=Sebessegmeres eredmenye
***Please enter benchmark result description:=Adja meg a sebessegmeres eredmenyenek leirasat:
***CrossFire Video Adapters=CrossFire videokartyak
***SLI Connector=SLI-csatlakozo
***SLI GPUs=SLI GPU-k szama
// product key enter
***Enter Product Key=Termekkulcs beirasa
***Please enter your product key:=Kerem, irja be a termekkulcsot:
***License is valid=A licenc megfelelo
***License is expired=A licenc lejart
***License is not valid for this version of %s=A licenc nem hasznalhato az %s jelenlegi verziojahoz
// license dialogs
***FinalWire Website=FinalWire weboldal
***AIDA64 Website=AIDA64 weboldal
***Product Website=A termek weboldala
***Online Documentation=Online dokumentacio
***Please check the program's online documentation for details.=Bovebb informaciot a szoftver online dokumentaciojaban talalhat.
***This program is not free. It is an evaluation of copyrighted software.=Ez a program nem ingyenes. Ez egy copyright altal vedett szoftver probaverzioja.
***If you use it beyond the %d-days evaluation period, you are expected to register it with the author.=Amennyiben a %d napos probaidoszak utan is hasznalni kivanja, a szoftver megvasarlasara lesz szukseg.
***You have %d days left of your trial period.=Meg %d nap van hatra az on probaidoszakabol.
***Your evaluation period is over.=Az on probaidoszaka veget ert.
***If you believe this message is an error, please contact FinalWire Licensing Department at the following e-mail address:=Amennyiben ugy veli, hogy ez az uzenet hibasan jelent meg, lepjen kapcsolatba a FinalWire Licenc Kozponttal az alabbi e-mail cimen:
***If it is not the case, please consider to register the product with the author, or simply remove it from your computer.=Kerem, fontolja meg a szoftver megvasarlasat, vagy tavolitsa el azt a szamitogeperol.
***Your registration is corrupted. Please enter your product key again.=Az on regisztracioja megserult. Kerem, irja be ujra a termekkulcsot.
***You can find your product key in your license e-mail.=Termekkulcsat a licenc e-mailben talalhatja meg.
***For support, please contact FinalWire Licensing Department at the following e-mail address:=Technikai segitseget a FinalWire Licenc Kozponttol igenyelhet az alabbi e-mail cimen:
***Your license will expire in %d days.=Az on licence %d nap mulva lejar.
***Your license is expired.=Az on licence lejart.
***To extend your license, please check the program's online documentation.=A szoftver online dokumentaciojaban talalhat informaciot a licenc megujitasarol.
***Your license is not valid for this version of %s.=Az on licence nem megfelelo az %s jelenlegi verziojahoz.
***For license details, please check your license e-mail.=A licenc e-mailben talalja a licenceles felteteleit.
***Wait %d sec...=Varakozas: %d mp...
// Translate this one as "power", and NOT as "actual"
// Important: The # character has to be the first character at both sides!
// Translate this one as "power", and NOT as "actual"
***Current Values=Aramerosseg ertekek
// Translate this one as "Power Consumption"
// Important: The # character has to be the first character at both sides!
// Translate this one as "Power Consumption Values"